Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi Syrup 450ml: Best Ladies Medicines Complete Review

Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi Introduction

Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi is an ayurvedic medication that is basically utilized for the treatment of Amenorrhea, Period issues. Auxiliary and off-name utilizations of Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi (BSS) have likewise been referenced underneath. The critical elements of Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi are Gokshura, Ananthamoola, Amaltas, Ashoka, Daruharidra, Manjishtha, Punarnava, Carrot seed, Dhatki. The properties of which have been shared beneath. The right dose of BSS relies upon the patient’s age, orientation, and clinical history. This data has been given exhaustively in the dose segment.

Also Read: Baidyanath Gandhak Rasayan – 10 Gm: Benefits, Uses Review


  • Gokshura
    • Substances that are utilized to decrease torment
    • Substances that empower sex drive.
  • Ananthamoola
    • Drugs which help in the disposal of abundance gas from the GIT.
    • Substances which help blood development and help in the treatment of sickliness.
  • Amaltas
    • Specialists or substances that are utilized to smother aggravation (expanding).
    • Specialists that well affect liver capability and that moderate liver harm.
    • Specialists that further develop solid discharges and help in mellowing of stools advancing their end from the body
    • A specialist or a medication that obliterates parasites or represses contagious development
  • Ashoka
    • Drugs which are utilized for the control of agony and don’t prompt loss of awareness
    • Specialists that capture cancer cell development without hurting ordinary body cells.
    • Drugs that assistance to incite work. They likewise help in diminishing vaginal draining following a conveyance.
  • Daruharidra
    • Drugs used to diminish enlarging after a physical issue
    • Specialists that capture cancer cell development without hurting ordinary body cells.
    • Specialists, which help to diminish oxidative pressure, by searching free revolutionaries
    • Drugs used to dispose of microbial microorganisms or hinder their development.
  • Manjishtha
    • Substances that are utilized to lessen torment
    • Specialists or substances that are utilized to smother irritation (expanding).
    • Specialists that decrease oxidative pressure and return oxidative harm in the body cells.
  • Punarnava
    • Substances that scavange the singlet oxygen atoms in the body.
    • Substances utilized for diminishing or forestalling fits in voluntry or involuntry muscles.
    • Specialists that well affect liver capability and that relieve liver harm.
    • Specialists that facilitates the section of stools and advances solid discharge, utilized for the treatment of clogging.
  • Carrot seed
    • Medication or substances used to treat disease by forestalling the development of malignant growth cells.
    • Substances that scavange the singlet oxygen particles in the body.
    • Drugs that work on liver capability and safeguard it from diseases
    • Drugs which help to control lipid content and cholesterol levels in the body. They are utilized for forestalling cardiovascular issues.
  • Dhatki
    • Drugs that keep growth from advancing and decrease its size
    • Specialists, which help to decrease oxidative pressure, by searching free extremists
    • Specialists which increment cardiovascular result by reinforcing heart muscles and further developing heart capability.
    • Substances that advances liver capability and forestall liver harm.
    • Specialists that significantly affect the invulnerable framework and assist with adjusting resistant capability.

BSS Advantages

BSS is utilized to treat the accompanying –

  • Amenorrhea
  • Period issues ( Period issues Treatment )Menorrhagia
  • Clogging (Read More – Ayurvedic medication, treatment and solutions for Blockage)
  • Loss of hunger
  • Polycystic Ovary Condition (Read More – Ayurvedic medication, treatment and solutions for PCOS)
  • White Discharge.
Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi Syrup: Best Ladies Medicines Complete Review

BSS Dose

This is the typical measurement suggested in most normal treatment cases. If it’s not too much trouble, recall that each tolerant and their case is unique, so the measurement can be different in light of the illness, course of organization, patient’s age and clinical history.

  • General: Utilize recommended sum
  • Previously or After Feast: By the same token
  • Single Greatest Portion: 2 Teaspoon
  • Dose Structure: Syrup
  • Measurement Course: Oral
  • Recurrence: BID (two times everyday)
  • Course Length: 90 days

BSS Side effects

No Side effects of Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi have been accounted for in the clinical writing.


Q.1 Is the utilization of Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi alright for pregnant ladies?

Pregnant ladies can take Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi without agonizing over any secondary effects.

Q.2 Is the utilization of Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi protected during breastfeeding?

Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi is ok for breastfeeding ladies.

Q.3 What is the impact of Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi on the stomach?

Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi is viewed as safe for the stomach.

Q.4 Is the utilization of Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi ok for kids?

Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi isn’t viewed as safe for youngsters.

Not Utilized By Kids

Q.5 Might I at any point take Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi with liquor?

Data about the association of Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi and liquor isn’t accessible on the grounds that this point has not been investigated at this point.

Q.6 Does Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi cause sleepiness?

You can work a vehicle or large equipment in the wake of taking Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi since it doesn’t cause tiredness.

Q.7 Is this Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi propensity framing or habit-forming?

Ordinary utilization of Baidyanath Sundri Sakhi doesn’t prompt compulsion.

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