Dr. Reckeweg Bio-Combination 28 (BC 28) Tablet Complete Review

Information about Dr. Reckeweg Bio-Combination 28 (BC 28) Tablet

Dr. Reckeweg Bio-Combination 28 Tablet is an even mix of the minerals expected for keeping up with the ordinary physiological capabilities in the body.

It assists with restoring the hunger of bones, joints and organs by further developing retention of calcium.

Helps in keeping a solid skin areas of strength for and muscles.

Also Read: Dr. Reckeweg Bio-Combination 1 (BC 1) Tablet Complete Review


In Todays date the price of Bio-Combination 28 is Rs 200/- But price may be increase.


The quantity of BC 28 is 20g


  • Calcarea fluorica
  • Calcarea phosphorica
  • Calcarea sulphurica
  • Ferrum phosphoricum
  • Kalium muriaticum
  • Kalium phosphoricum
  • Kalum sulphuricum
  • Magnesia phosphorica
  • Natrum muriaticum
  • Natrum phosphoricum
  • Natrum sulphuricum
  • Silicea

Key Advantages

  • Develops whole framework by giving essential tissue nourishment’s to the body
  • Accommodating for individuals experiencing crippling and squandering illnesses by further developing protection from infection
  • Controls irritation and preeminently processes, ear, nose, throat and controls purulent thick yellow releases
  • Works on the psychological power, cerebrum and nerve tissues
  • Keeps up with and keeps mucas film and kidney solid
  • Frees different kinds from convulsive agonies connected with nerves and heart
  • It helps better digestion of fats, better stomach related power with control on hyper-corrosiveness
Bio-Combination 28

Directions For Use

For Adults, 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day and for children, a big part of the grown-up portion or as endorsed by the doctor.

Wellbeing Data

  • Keep out of the scope of kids
  • Use under clinical watch
  • Peruse the name cautiously before use
  • Abstain from eating tobacco or drinking liquor during the course
  • Keep away from serious areas of strength for any in the mouth like espresso, onion, hing, mint, camphor, garlic and so on while taking the medication
  • Keep thirty minutes hole between food/drink/some other drugs and allopathic medication
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