Calcarea Phos: Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phos Tablet Complete Review

Introduction to Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phos 6X Tablet

Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phos 6X Tablet is a prescription that contains Calcarea Phosphoricum as a functioning fixing present. A homeopathic medication goes about as bone and teeth supplement. Calcarea phosphoricum is the significant constituent in bones and teeth.

Also Read: Calcarea Fluor: Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Flour Tablet Complete Review

It is usually endorsed for early stage struggles in newborn children and after dental penetrating or medical procedure. It additionally assists with diminishing tooth rot and to invigorate the convenient emission of teeth.

A lacking stockpile of calcarea phosphoricum in the body can bring about insufficient sustenance and impeded development, subsequently it is many times required during pubescence to energize typical development and advancement.

Similarly, Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phosphoricum 6X Tablet can be useful to forestall breaks and decrease osteoporotic propensities in the older. Cell salts function admirably together when consolidated. For instance, for postponed dentition in kids (teeth are ejecting too leisurely or late), Calc fluor, Calc phos, and Silicea are frequently recommended together.

Also, since Mag phos solidifies dental veneer, it is frequently joined with Calc fluor, Calc phos, and additionally Silicea post-dental boring or medical procedure.

To reestablish the body after significant intense ailments and to treat weakness and sickliness, Calc phos and Ferrum phos are frequently taken together. Moreover, Calc phos and Mag phos are much of the time recommended in mix to treat muscle or feminine issues and fits.

Dr. Reckeweg Calc Phosphoricum 6X Tablet is recommended to the patients having tooth rot, teeth issues, and teeth ejections. This medicine is additionally endorsed to youngsters dealing with the issue of Postponed Dentition.

Potency of Calc Phos

3x, 6x,12x, 30x, 200x

Price of Dr. Reckeweg Calc Phos

In Todays date the price of 3x, 6x,12x, 30x is Rs 200/- and 200x is Rs 290/- But price may be increase.

Quantity of Dr. Reckeweg Calc Phos

The quantity of Dr. Reckeweg Calc Phos is 20g


For Babies, It is encouraged to require 2 Tablets two attempts every day, for kids, 2 Tablets four times each day and for Grown-ups, requiring 4 Tablets four times each day is endorsed.

The patient ought to counsel the specialist prior to utilizing this medication. Illuminating the specialist about past prescriptions or sensitivity to them is in every case better.

Subsequent to knowing all the clinical history, the clinical specialist will instruct you the measurements and substitute with respect to that drug.

Side Effects

Dr. Reckeweg Calc Phosphoricum 6X Tablet is a prescription which makes no known side impacts. Assuming that you experience any of the incidental effects, contact your primary care physician right away.

Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea phos Tablet Complete Review
Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea phos Tablet Complete Review

Precautionary measures:

Pregnant and breastfeeding ladies ought to counsel a specialist prior to utilizing Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phosphoricum 6X Tablet. Illuminating the specialist about past prescriptions or aversions to them is in every case better. In the wake of knowing all the clinical history, the clinical professional will educate you the dose and substitute with respect to that drug.

Use under clinical watch.


Ques: What is Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phosphoricum 6X Tablet?
Ans: Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phos 6X Tablet is a homeopathic medicine that contains Calcarea Phosphorica as dynamic fixing present. This medicine assists with diminishing tooth rot and to invigorate the convenient emission of teeth. Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phos 6X Tablet goes about as bone and teeth supplement for babies and treats getting teeth in them. It helps in the states of medical procedures, post-dental boring, and delicate finish issues.

Ques: What are the purposes of Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phosphoricum 6X Tablet?
Ans: Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phos 6X Tablet is a homeopathic medication that is utilized for the treatment and counteraction from conditions, for example, tooth rot, medical procedures, post-dental boring, and delicate finish issues. It goes about as a bone and teeth supplement. Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phosphoricum 6X Tablet is regularly recommended to individuals having cracks, muscle cramps and osteoporotic propensities. This prescription diminishes torment in feminine issues and fits.

Ques: What are the results of Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phosphoricum 6X Tablet?
Ans: Dr. Reckeweg Calc Phosphoricum 6X Tablet is a homeopathic medicine which makes no known side impacts. It is a recommended medicine, it is prompted not to take without meeting. Assuming that you experience any of the incidental effects, contact clinical expert right away.

Ques: What are the directions for capacity and removal of Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phosphoricum 6X Tablet?
Ans: Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phos 6X Tablet ought to be kept in a cool dry spot and in its unique pack. It is essential to ensure that this drug stays inaccessible to youngsters and pets.

Ques: What are the safety measures to be taken while consuming Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phosphoricum 6X Tablet?
Ans: Pregnant and breastfeeding ladies ought to counsel a specialist prior to consuming Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Phosphoricum 6X Tablet. It is encouraged to keep up with 30 minutes hole between food/drink/some other meds and homeopathic medication. Keep away from major areas of strength for any in the mouth while taking medication like camphor, garlic, onion, espresso, and hing.

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