Dr. Reckeweg R14: Best for Sleep and Nerve Drops, Complete Review

Uses of Dr. Reckeweg R14

Dr. Reckeweg R14: A sleeping disorder and different unsettling influences of the rest, shallow rest, light rest, restlessness, sluggishness in the first part of the day, exhaustion during the day, energy at night. Anxious anxiety and over-energy of the sensory system. Neurasthenia, results of mental struggles of long term.

Also Read: Dr. Reckeweg R5: Best for Stomach and Digestion Drops, Complete Review

Price of Dr. Reckeweg R14:

In Todays date the price is Rs 285/- But price may be increase.

Quantity of Dr. Reckeweg R14:

The quantity of Dr. Reckeweg R14 is 22ml.

Ingredients of Dr. Reckeweg R14

Impacts well the regularizing of upset rest, and neurasthenic side effects.

  • Ammonium bromatum: Narcotic.
  • Avena sativa: General anxious shortcoming and sexual neurasthenia, outcomes of mental overexertion. Recovery. Restlessness regardless of fatigue.
  • Chamomilla: Compelling in overwhelmed sensory system with touchiness. Uncomfortable rest.
  • Eschscholzia: Narcotic.
  • Humulus lupulus: General anxious fatigue, neurasthenia, neurosis, narcotic.
  • Ignatia: Apprehensive fatigue and touchiness coming about because of clairvoyant burdens of a discouraging sort, following misery or stress. Egocentric isolation.
  • Passiflora incarnata: Narcotic. Agitation and crabbiness of the sensory system. Mental and actual energy while attempting to rest, brimming with thoughts, upset non-reviving rest
  • Valeriana: Light rest, non-reviving. Apprehensive shortcoming and anxiety.
  • Zincum valerianicum: A sleeping disorder with jerking in appendages, bad dreams, fretfulness of the legs.
Dr. Reckeweg R14

Dose of Dr. Reckeweg R14

  • In outrageous anxious fatigue and sleep deprivation, 3 times each day 10-15 drops in some water, around evening time 20 drops in some improved water. By and large broad help and a less fomented rest trail closely behind a few days. Immediately, 10-15 drops a few times everyday should do the trick. Nonetheless, R14 acts distinctively on different people. Patients delicate to medication frequently experience an irritation, predominantly of sleep deprivation. In such cases the portion ought to promptly be diminished to 5 drops 3 times each day, some of the time even less, even down to once just during the day (not suggested at night). Measurement ought to be adjusted to the person. Now and again, 20-30 drops 3 times each day might need to be produced to acquire any results. Notwithstanding, prior to expanding the portion noticing the activity of the medication for a few days would be prudent.
  • Normal treatment ought to be gone on for a more drawn out timeframe even after complete recuperation, at the pace of 10-15 drops taken at night.


Overall apprehensive depletion, the concurrent utilization of VITA-C15 will give best outcomes.

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