Dr. Reckeweg R2: Best for Heart, Complete Review

Uses of Dr. Reckeweg R2

Dr. Reckeweg R2: Natural and practical expressions of warmth of the heart, primarily cardiovascular depression. Extrasystoles, angina pectoris, nervous perturbations. Arrhythmia, tachycardia, coronary insufficiencies, constrictions.

Strong heartbeat, palpitations, excitations, agony and abuse of the heart, vegetative dystonia.

Also Read: Dr. Reckeweg R1: Best for Inflammation, Complete Review

Price of Dr. Reckeweg R2

In Todays date the price is Rs 285/- But price may be increase.

Quantity of Dr. Reckeweg R2

The quantity of Dr. Reckeweg R1 is 22ml.

Ingredients of Dr. Reckeweg R2:

  • Arnica: Excruciating sensation in the heart. Anxious heart inconvenience.
  • Aurum chloratum: Fundamental activity on: Myocardium, aorta and coronary vein. Heart persecutions and dilatations, afflux of blood to the head, precordial agonies.
  • Desert flora: Impressions of suffocation, solid heartbeat, abuse. Stenocardia and angina pectoris.
  • Crataegus: Great tonic for heart and blood dissemination. Myocardial shortcoming and hypotonia.
  • Digitalis: Heart tonic in the event of cardiovascular shortcoming.
  • Ignatia: Different apprehensive impressions of the heart, chiefly following warm gestures of a discouraging sort (uneasiness fretfulness). Likewise in everyday apprehensive aggravation and restlessness.
  • Kalium phosphoricum: General anxious depletion, sickliness and myocardial shortcoming. Conduction unsettling influences.
  • Laurocerasus: Cyanosis with myocardial deficiency. Strain and torment in the chest.
  • Spigelia: Solid and unusual throbs, apparent and distinguishable. Torment reaching out down left arm.
  • Valeriana: Anxious disturbances, evolving humor, apprehensive extreme touchiness. Useful expressions of warmth of the heart, solid heartbeat, cardiovascular apprehension.
Dr. Reckeweg R2: Best for Heart, Complete Review

Dose of Dr. Reckeweg R2

  • As per seriousness, at the outset 3-6 times each day 10-15 drops in some water.
  • In intense cardiovascular kind gestures, each ¼ – ½ hour 10-15 drops until progress sets in.

Comments Dose of Dr. Reckeweg R2

  • In myocardial deficiencies of light to medium degree, use R3.
  • In gastro-cardiovascular side effects, extra utilization of R5, 1-3 times each day 10-15 drops previously or after feasts.
  • In cardiovascular arrhythmias: R66 or R22.
  • In intense myocardial infarct: give in shift each ½ – 1 – 2 hours 10-15 drops of: R 2, R67 and R55.
  • Follow-up treatment with R3, additionally R44.
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