Dr. Reckeweg R88: Best for Anti-Viral Drops, Complete Review

Introduction To Dr. Reckeweg R88

Dr. Reckeweg R88: Any popular kind sickness like Viral Fever, Measles, Mononucleosis, Herpes, Influenza, Pig Influenza, Dengue/Chikungunya, Hand Foot and Mouth disease(HFMD) and so forth. A successful Enemy of viral medication.

Also Read: Dr. Reckeweg R5: Best for Stomach and Digestion Drops, Complete Review

Price of Dr. Reckeweg R88

In Todays date the price is Rs 330/- But price may be increase.

Quantity of Dr. Reckeweg R88

The quantity of Dr. Reckeweg R88 is 22ml.

Ingredients of Dr. Reckeweg R88

Coxsackie, Diphterinum, Epstein Barr, Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster, Influencinum, Mononucleosis, Morbillinum, Poliomyelitis, V-Grippe: The above fixings are profoundly weakens so none of the infection stays in the item yet that the energy of the infection animates the safe framework to guard against the gatecrashers. This turns into a safe immuniza-tion equation to securely (without secondary effects) increment the normal guard against infection.

Caryophyllus aromaticus: Normal enemy of viral.

Euphrasia: Safe energizer.

Dr. Reckeweg R88


  • As a characteristic vaccination equation this enemy of viral recipe is ok for kid ren and ought to be involved 3 drops 3 times each day for 3 days
  • Consistently for the initial two years of life.The equation can be adminstered into the umbilicus and scoured into the skin with the youngster’s hand.For use with more seasoned childern or grown-ups 10 drops multiple times day to day to balance viral di-seases or 10 drops once a day as a precaution


  • If there should arise an occurrence of flu use R6
  • for feverR1
  • Chickenpox R68
  • Herps zoster R68,R30
  • Measles R62
  • Mumps R1,R26
  • Hack R8,R9
  • With fungal involvement R82.
  • For stress association Vita-C strong point
  • Eliminate patient from creature protein and increment L-ascorbic acid use and fundamental unsaturated fats
  • With bacterial contribution R87
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