Dr. Reckeweg R89: Best for Hair Care Drops, Complete Review

Introduction To Dr. Reckeweg R89

Dr. Reckeweg R89: Hair care drops and valuable for alopecia, sparseness, untimely balding, untimely silver hair, shortcoming, an excess of prepared food, cerebral pains.

Also Read: Dr. Reckeweg R5: Best for Stomach and Digestion Drops, Complete Review

Price of Dr. Reckeweg R89

In Todays date the price is Rs 330/- But price may be increase.

Quantity of Dr. Reckeweg R89

The quantity of Dr. Reckeweg R89 is 22ml.

Ingredients of Dr. Reckeweg R89

Hay, Lactuca sativa, Lecithinum, Oenothera biennis: Against hormonal impacts, effective for balding.

  • Hypophysis: To settle hair development.
  • Juglans: Blood purifier, fundamental unsaturated fats.
  • Kalium phosphoricum: Notable biochemic cell salt for hair rebuilding.
  • Polysorbatum: For skin treatment of untimely going bald.
  • Testicles: Glandular activity.
Dr. Reckeweg R89


  • 3 times everyday 20-30 drops after meals;once a day rub into uncovered region energetically for 5 minutes


If there should arise an occurrence of pre-eclampsia use R26,R60, for septicemia :R82,R87,R88,with skin problems R21,R23, glandular equilibrium R19,R20, iron deficiency R31, clogging R37


Overabundance male chemical, ill-advised unsaturated fat and fat digestion or polluted blood can cause sparseness or alopecia.

Heredity can play some part, but as a rule kids duplicate the ill-advised ways of life and dietary patterns that can prompt hair loss.

Fatty acids balance the chemicals and harmful specialists which cause hair loss.

Proper unsaturated fats happen in vegetable sources yet are heat delicate and obliterated at temperatures of 45 C or lower.

Eating an excess of cooked and rocessed food varieties can restrict their ingestion.

Heat treated creature or vegetable fat can go rotten in the body, sidestep the liver’s detoxifying cycle by passing into the lymph stream through the gastrointestinal chilifers,and continue to cause cell harm in the body.

Tainted or poisonous blood can likewise cause balding and skin inclusion. Hence,certain blood poisoning or septmia can create balding.

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