SBL Drops No. 4 (For BP): Best Drop for Blood Pressure Complete Review

Information about SBL Drops No. 4 (For BP)

SBL Drops No. 4 (For BP) is a homeopathic medication which controls circulatory strain and furnishes help from different side effects related with it like nervousness, cerebral pain, substantialness, palpitation, shortness of breath and fretfulness.

The detailing gives help from steady, dull, consuming agony in the locale of the heart.

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Price: Rs 185/-.

Key Ingredients

  • Rauvolfia serpentine
  • Crataegusoxyacantha
  • Veratrumviride
  • Arnica montana
  • Kallphosphoricum
  • Viscum collection
  • Passifloraincarnata
  • Cactus grandiflorus


Hypertension, tension and related grievances.


30 ml.

Item Structure


Uses Of SBL Drops No. 4 (For BP)

  • Controls hypertension and helps in widened veins
  • Viable for weight and abuse of heart, stimulating sensation about heart
  • Ordinary utilization oversees sped up, sporadic, weak, irregular heartbeat
  • Controls Hemorrhagic circumstances oversee restlessness with related migraine and tension issues
  • Aids valvular illnesses with sickness, and heaving and eases shortcoming after over-effort with related cerebral pain
SBL Drops No. 4 (For BP)


Take 10 to 15 drops in 1/4th cup of water, 3-4 times each day or as exhorted by the doctor.

Wellbeing Data

  • Peruse the name cautiously before use
  • Store in a cool and dry spot, away from daylight
  • Keep far away from youngsters
  • Try not to surpass the suggested measurements
  • Use under clinical watch
  • Keep away from major areas of strength for any in the mouth, like espresso, onion, hing, mint, camphor, garlic and so on, while taking medication
  • Abstain from eating tobacco or drinking liquor during the course
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